So far, We studied 5 key points
1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
5. People make media and then media make people.
and this week, We learned two key points.
- New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
- (BUT) When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
I will say how we understand about social network with this two keypoints.
Many people think that Social network is studied by only sociologist.
Of course, the most part of reserch is taken by sociologist.
but the social network analysis is an interdisciplinary.
Physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general as graph and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
The studying of social networks is not limited to only one field.
What does the studying of social network do?
The research help to understand that people's pattern and to predict people's behavior by
analyisig relationship of people.
Until now, many people studied about social network
This diagram was made by J.L. Moreno (1934)
It shows Friendship choices between 4th grade boys (triangles) and girls (circles)
This diagram is studied by Radcliffe-Brown, Levi-Strauss, etc.
It shows kinship
How can we understand this diagram?
There are two terms that are Bridging capital and Bonding capital
if you connect separate networks you have bridging capital
The guy emphasized with black mark connect boygroup with girlgroup.
So the guy is bridges.
The diane is centrality because many people is connected with her.
How can we apply social network to Information Technology?
The IT make possible huge and convenient Social network.
Think about CYWORLD. We can make a relation easily with other people by using Cyworld.
If we want to meet people has same interesting or same objective or same hobby,
the cyworld help us.
Our new media technology made possible easy to form huge network.
We will take a test soon. That test is our first exam.
So may be many people are embarrased. of course, me too.
But there are also expectation.
I expect the test. Because that test is our first exam.
I will study harder, and prepare the test.
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