2008년 3월 28일 금요일

4th Week Summary


Until now,
We learned 4 key points about MEDIA

1. When technologies connect or separate people, they become media
2. Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical
ideas and relationships.
3. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
4. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.

and We learned a new key point this week.

People make media and then media make people.

What is the World-Wide Web?
We studied about WWW (World-Wide Web) in this week.
WWW was made by Tim berners-lee.
It is the stated genealogy of the technology.
Bush's Memex, Ted nelson's writing on hypertext Xenadu,
Berners-lee early implementations WWW.

He (Berners-lee) said that The WWW was deceloped to be a pool of human knowledge,
which would alow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.

What is the WWW?

First answer is that WWW is a collaboratively authored hypertext.
In other words, WWW is an aggregate with Hypertext

Second, WWW is a standard.
WWW was admited as a standard by many organizations.
If WWW wasn't admited as a standard,
WWW would be used only specific location.
Because WWW was admited as a standard,
We use WWW system in everywhere, in the World.

What organizations that admit WWW as a standard are there ?
We heard that
ISO (International standards organization)
IETF (Internet engineering task force)
RFC (Request for comments)
W3C (World-wide web consortium)

Last answer is that the www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.
That is to say WWW is very Big.
It is the World-Wide Web.

We also learned about URI (Universal resource identifier)
URI involves URL (ssu name), URN (persistent location: declare)

Html -> hypertext markup language
http -> hypertet transfer protocol
ftp -> rile transfer protocol
smtp -> simple mail transfer protocol
nntp -> network news transfer protool.


The more time goes, The more We adapt the Campus life.
but INTRO-IT curriculum is still difficult to me
However, I feel fun as time goes by.
and I am accustomed this type lecture.
I will always do my best.

Next time, We learn about Social networks.
This subject is familar with our.
So I expect the class introduction to IT

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